Heather primarily practices in two main areas, namely Personal Injury and Coronial Law. As well as these primary areas, Heather also accepts instructions in respect of all other aspects of Civil Law; Professional Discipline & Regulatory Law; and Immigration, Nationality & Asylum Law.

Heather prides herself on offering all of her clients a personal, yet professional service and offers a swift turnaround in respect of all paperwork. Solicitors often comment on her outstanding customer service.

Written work is dealt with quickly, communication on cases is excellent and Heather is extremely accessible and happy to assist when her clients require her for ad hoc advice or assistance.

Heather has been appointed as Junior Counsel to the Crown (Regional B Panel) since 2015. Heather’s appointment was recently extended by the Attorney General, Rt. Hon. Suella Braverman QC MP, who described the competition for places on the panel as “fierce”. Heather’s appointment will continue until 2026, and requires her to undertake complex civil, and public law work on behalf of all government departments

Personal Injury

Heather is an experienced personal injury practitioner whose work covers a wide range of areas, including public liability, occupiers’ liability, employers’ liability, industrial disease, clinical negligence and road traffic accidents, acting for both Claimants and Defendants. Heather has a thriving court practice, attending court daily to represent clients at trials, disposal hearings, interim applications, costs and case management conferences, case management conferences, directions hearings, costs proceedings and appeal proceedings. .

Heather also has a very busy “paper” practice, and is frequently instructed on behalf of clients to prepare paperwork including the drafting of pleadings, applications, Part 35 questions, advices on liability, quantum and procedure, and appeals. Heather offers a swift turnaround in respect of the same.

Notable Cases

RR – Acted for the Claimant in a claim arising from a RTA whereby the Claimant was run down by a hit and run motorist. The claim was pursued via the MIB Untraced Drivers’ Agreement and settled for a sum in excess of £100,000.

MH – Advised the Claimant on matters of procedure and quantum in a case involving provisional damages, whereby the future risk of the Claimant developing epilepsy was at 2%.

CB – Claim concerning trespass against the person whereby the Claimant was forcibly ejected from a club by door staff causing him to sustain personal injury.

NP – Case arising from an accident at work, whereby a paramedic sustained significant shoulder injuries in a live river whilst undergoing specialist training.

NJ – Employers’ liability claim concerning unusual and complex injuries sustained as a consequence of an unsafe system of work and repetitive manual handling.

FR – Applied successfully on behalf of the Claimant to disapply the primary limitation period pursuant to Section 33 of the Limitation Act 1980. The application was fiercely opposed.

BA & Others – Multi-track fraud trial listed for 3 days arising from an allegedly induced RTA. Heather represented the Claimants in this action.

HA – Advised in an unusual case involving a severely disabled young girl who went into anaphylactic shock during her stay in hospital, having been negligently administered a drug which she was allergic to.

JB – Advised in a case involving complex issues of law, namely the interpretation and application of the provisions of the Road Traffic Act 1988 in respect of uncoupled trailers and motor insurance bureau claims.

MA – Represented the Claimant in a case concerning a child who suffered personal injury and loss as a consequence of the negligent administration of medical treatment. This claim involved complex issues including a consideration of a possible provisional damages award. This claim settled for £45,000.

 CS – Represented the Claimant is a case concerning a child who suffered personal injury and loss after tripping over a raised kerbstone. The Claimant suffered permanent scarring to her face requiring scar revision surgery and the use of cosmetic camouflage make up.

RR – Represented the Claimant in a case concerning a child who suffered personal injury and loss after being kicked in the face by a horse during a horse riding event.

PT – Represented the Ministry of Justice in respect of a claim brought by a prisoner who fell and injured himself whilst descending a set of external stairs. This case involved complex issues of law and fact. The Claimant’s claim was dismissed.

DW – Represented the Ministry of Justice in respect of a claim brought by a prisoner who was the victim of a violent assault by another prisoner causing permanent injury to his eye. The Claimant’s claim was dismissed.

ML – Represented the Ministry of Justice in respect of a claim brought by a prison officer who was injured during the course of a C&R training session. The Claimant’s claim was dismissed.

MG – Represented the Secretary of State in a claim, and subsequent appeal proceedings, brought by the Claimant in a NIHL claim. The Claimant discontinued his claim, and sought to disapply the costs provisions as contained within CPR 38.6. The appeal was dismissed.

Coronial Law

Heather is an expert in all matters of Coronial Law and has been involved in a number of complex and high profile inquests to date, receiving instructions on behalf of a wide range of interested persons, including families, healthcare organisations, medical practitioners, prisons and other arms of the state.

Heather is a frequent attender at the Coronial Courts across England & Wales and is regularly instructed to represent clients at both Jamieson and Article 2 ECHR (“Middleton”) inquests, and also jury and non-jury inquests. Heather has a wide range of experience in all aspects of Coronial Law and has been involved in a variety of inquests including inter alia deaths in custody, industrial disease, and road traffic accidents.

In addition to her court work, Heather accepts instructions in an advisory capacity and is able to offer robust advice in respect of matters of Regulation 28 reporting, and all other aspects of Coronial Law. Heather also accepts instructions in relation to public inquiries.

Notable Cases

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of BC – Represented the family of a lady who died whilst receiving medical treatment in hospital.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of MC – Represented the family of a student tragically killed whilst crossing a road at an undesignated but busy crossing point. This led to a Regulation 28 report being issued by the Coroner.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of JK – Represented the NHS in a complex and high profile inquest of a teenager who died as a consequence of drug toxicity.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of LB – Represented the Ministry of Justice in an inquest concerning the death of a prisoner who committed suicide in her cell. This inquest concerned complex issues of medical/mental health care and treatment.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of LB – Represented the Ministry of Justice in an inquest concerning the death of a teenager who died as a consequence of drug toxicity whilst attending court.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of DL – Represented the Ministry of Justice in an inquest concerning the death of a prisoner who died of carcinoma following a short period of hospital admission.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of MD – Represented the Ministry of Justice in an inquest concerning a prisoner who committed suicide in his cell. This inquest concerned complex issues of medical/mental health care and treatment, and the transfer of information between a variety of ag.encies.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of BS – Represented the Ministry of Justice in an inquest concerning a prisoner who had been diagnosed with vascular dementia and who died of natural causes. This inquest concerned complex issues of medical/mental health care and treatment especially in the context of vulnerable prisoners.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of RS – Represented the Ministry of Justice in an inquest concerning a prisoner who committed suicide in his cell. This inquest concerned complex issues relating to the transfer of information between agencies, and scrutiny of the prison ACCT policy and procedure.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of GA – Represented the Ministry of Justice in an inquest concerning a prisoner who died of natural causes. This inquest concerned issues relating to the provision of medical care and treatment including alleged delays in transferring the prisoner to hospital.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of DK – Represented the Ministry of Justice in an inquest concerning the death of a prisoner who committed suicide in his cell following a series of previous suicide attempts. This inquest concerned complex issues of medical/mental health care and treatment, and scrutiny of the prison ACCT policy and procedure.

In the Inquest Touching Upon the Death of JL – Represented the Ministry of Justice in an inquest concerning the death of an elderly prisoner whose death was caused by hospital acquired pneumonia, underlying pulmonary fibrosis and a possible history of asbestos exposure.

Professional Discipline

Heather frequently represents the General Medical Council at the Interim Orders Tribunal, and through such work has gained a wealth of experience and knowledge in matters of Professional Discipline.

Heather is very happy to accept instructions in all aspects of Professional Discipline in respect of all hearings including interim order tribunal hearings, review hearings, medical practitioner tribunal hearings, investigation committee hearings, registration panels and appeals.

Heather is also willing to receive instructions to provide written advice in respect of such matters.

Notable Cases

Dr B – High profile GMC case involving multiple counts of historic child abuse.


Heather also accepts instructions in respect of all aspects of Immigration, Nationality and Asylum law. As well as advising clients in these areas, Heather represents Appellants in both the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber. In addition, Heather accepts instructions to represent clients in all aspects of Judicial Review