About Kathryn Johnson
Kathryn was called to the bar in 1989, joining Lincoln House as a tenant in 2007. Prior to joining Lincoln
House, Kathryn practised from Winckley Square Chambers in Preston and has retained her Lancashire
connections by appearing regularly in Lancashire Crown Courts.
For the first 20 years of her career, Kathryn specialised specifically in both the defence and prosecution of the most serious criminal offences brought before the criminal courts. This is work that Kathryn still maintains for both privately paying clients and those with the benefit of legal aid.
In addition to Criminal work, Kathryn has spent the last 10 years developing her practise into the line of regulatory work, this work includes cases brought in the criminal courts and before specialist tribunals.
Kathryn undertakes the majority of her work as a junior alone but does have significant experience as a leading junior.
Kathryn is a Category 4 Prosecutor and is on the GMC list of advocates able to undertake FTP, IOT & HCE as well as several other hearing types dealt with in medical practitioner disciplinary proceedings.
Kathryn is known for her fearless advocacy and her determination to always get the best possible result for her clients. A large proportion of Kathryn’s work load is repeat instructions, this is testament of her approachability and excellent client relationship skills.
Criminal Law
Kathryn’s practice encompasses all areas of criminal law and with an equal split between Prosecution and Defence work. She is regularly instructed in cases of murder, manslaughter, death by dangerous driving, rape and sexual assault, people trafficking, drug conspiracies, child cruelty, serious violence (including firearms), arson, fraud and dishonesty
Kathryn is an acknowledged specialist in cases of sexual allegations, prosecuting and defending in many cases of rape including allegations of a historical nature and those involving stranger attacks. Cases include those involving young defendants charged with such offences, requiring particular sensitivity. Kathryn has demonstrated her knowledge and expertise in this area, delivering lectures on developments around the topic and on Sexual Offences Prevention Orders.
Notable Cases
R v Shacklady – Prosecution – A gang related murder and the supply of drugs. The Defendant, at the time, was considered the “number one target” of the Lancashire Police.
R v Finch – Defence – A case involving the alleged stranger rape of a prostitute.
R v Clegg – Case was recently concluded in the Court of Appeal. It had involved the rape and false imprisonment of a prostitute.
R v Leonard – Defence – A case of murder. Kathryn was led by Tony Cross QC at Preston Crown Court
R v Keany – Defence – Attempted murder of a young child.
R v S – Prosecution – This case involved a 13-year old charged with rape against an 8-year old.
R v Reddy – Defence – Kathryn led Gareth Jones in this 4 week trial at Leeds Crown Court. The Defendant was charged with conspiracy to defraud.
R v H – Prosecution – Complex sexual activity with a child.
R v E – Defence – Multiple rape trial at Manchester Crown Court.
R v A – Defence – Child abduction trial at Manchester Crown Court.
R v Uddin – Defence – 6-week sexual grooming trial at Manchester Crown Court.
R v J – Defence – Complex money laundering trial at Exeter Crown Court.
R v Benson & Bowman – Prosectuing – 2-day child neglect trial at Carlisle Court.
R v H – Defending – Substantial drug importation trial at Liverpool Court.
Regulatory Law (Professional Discipline)
Kathryn regularly acts for the GMC in IOT hearings, High Court Reviews, and FTP hearings. With cases often spanning several weeks and requiring very careful preparation and particular skill, Katherine undertakes work covering all aspects of conduct from clinical negligence to sexual misconduct.
Kathryn accepts instructions to deal with the defence of other members of the medical professions including nurses, dentists and those subject to HCPC proceedings.
Notable Cases
Dr X – A doctor who removed the wrong eye lens and attempted to cover up his error.
Dr X – A plastic surgeon who had botched breast implant operations.
Dr X – An eminent surgeon who had failed to declare private income and so evaded over a million pounds worth of income tax.
Dr X – A GP who had failed to consider test results ordered in relation to a child who subsequently died of heart failure.
Regulatory Law (Crown and Magistrates Court)
Kathryn undertakes a wide range of regulatory matters which are dealt with in the criminal courts. These include trading standards/trade descriptions, food safety, fire regulation and health & safety breaches.
Kathryn has a specific interest in road traffic & transport regulation and has acted in some of the largest tachograph cases dealt with in the North of England.
Notable Cases
R v J and Others – Defence – Substantial tachograph conspiracy. Kingston-upon-Hull Crown Court.
R v Snaith – Defence – 9-week tachograph case acting for the company employing a number of drivers.
Public Inquiry/Inquest Law
Alongside of undertaking further training to develop knowledge in the line of inquest work, Kathryn has spent the last seven months working full-time on an inquiry instructed by the Department of Health. The inquiry investigated deaths at a hospital in the 1990s. The role requiring the consideration of a very substantial amount of documentation disclosed by organisations and including the assessment of the inquest transcripts of the deceased patients. The case provided valuable insight into the nature of inquests, an area of work in which Kathryn is particularly keen to develop further.
Practice areas
- Crime & Fraud
- Fraud, Business Crime & Financial Regulation
- Serious Crime
- General Crime
- Murder & Manslaughter
- Sexual Offences
- Private Prosecutions
- Appeals
- POCA, Confiscation & Restraint
- Regulatory & Tribunal
- Professional Discipline (Medical Professions)
- Inquest & Inquiry
- Public & Independent Inquiries
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