About Abigail Lockett

In true clerking tradition, Abbey joined Lincoln House Chambers as the Office Junior straight from High School in 2017, and has been working her way up the ladder ever since!

Abbey obtained extremely impressive exam results at the conclusion of her secondary education at Marple Hall High School, and she has continued to be a model student whilst at Lincoln House Chambers, achieving a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Business Administration as part of the Damar Apprenticeship programme.

Lincoln House Chambers have continued to fund Abbey’s further education and she is currently in her second year of studying a part-time BA (Hons) Business Management Professional Degree at Man Met University, which she manages alongside her full time role in the Clerks Room at Chambers.

Abbey quickly advanced from her initial Office Junior role and was promoted to Junior Clerk in 2019, and then Crime and Regulatory clerk in late 2021, Abbey now manages her own team of barristers who specialize in Crime and Regulatory work in the Criminal Courts and before various other tribunals.

Abbey is able to assist with diary management requests and queries and is extremely knowledgeable and efficient in the management of electronic evidence and the various different portals used within the Criminal Justice System.

In her spare time, Abbey enjoys socializing with friends, attending festivals and travelling abroad.

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“Quisque ac mattis dui. Vivamus tempus quam eu enim blandit ornare sed in ligula. Suspendisse et dui felis. Aliquam quis dapibus arcu. Sed aliquet nunc ligula, sed cursus magna fermentum in. Curabitur ultrices suscipit neque, non mollis urna malesuada vel. Quisque eu ante augue. ”


“Vivamus maximus auctor commodo. Praesent ante dui, faucibus a mauris in, dapibus ornare purus. Proin vel elementum nunc, id fermentum nulla. Integer bibendum urna sed magna pharetra finibus. Integer vitae ultrices lacus. Integer eget mauris eget metus posuere mollis ut a elit.”



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